353GHz_data_1024.fits - modeled all-sky map at 353GHz 353GHz_noiserms_1024.fits - assumed noise r.m.s. per pixel distribution 353GHz_noise_1024.fits - generated noise field scaled from the noise per beam figure. The units for 353GHz_data_1024.fits and 353GHz_noise_1024.fits are intensity MJy/Sr, and for 353GHz_noiserms_1024.fits are (MJy/Sr)^2 represented sigma^2 per pixel. The noise r.m.s distribution modeled for the following scaning strategy: # The scan strategy, defined by the overall mode, the mean theta for the # circles, the angle of wobble away from this, the opening angle of the # detector and the number of wobbles. All the angles are in degrees. strategy = sinprec theta_axis = 90.0 delta_theta_axis = 7.0 openingangle = 85.0 n_cycle = 4