nbody4.tar.gz is the public version of the GRAPE code NBODY4. It was simplified and brought up-to-date 26 April 2004, to be consistent with the full code. The improved routine slow.f was added 9 June and further refinements 10 July 04. A test input file called 'input' is included. Major updates August 2005, identical to www.NbodyLab.org. The manual can be down-loaded from this website. Note that this version is now intended for the micro-Grape. For GRAPE-6, replace nblist.f by nblist.f.g6 and use Makefile_g6. A few more bugs found end of August 04. Bug fix of original mass loss routine mloss.f May 2005. The version Dec 2005 was improved slightly March 2006. Notes on changes since August 05 lost on our public ftp. The version of Dec 05 contains quite a few improvements and is implemented on www.NbodyLab.org for consistency. brut4.tar.gz is the brute-force version of the NBODY4 code which was developed in summer of 2005. It is identical in every respect except for the Grape emulator. Should only be used for development and educational purposes since it runs very slow (factor of 40 with N=4000). 20 April 2006: A Hermite block-step version of NBODY1 for workstations and GRAPE is now available in directory nbody1 as nbody1h.tar.gz. It was developed at IoA together with Jun Makino in 1991 who later adapted it for GRAPE. There are two makefiles - a stand-alone and (micro-)GRAPE version. 23 January 2009: Bug reported by Andreas Kuepper, Bonn. In routine xtrnlf.f, change line 33 to IF (GMG.GT.0.0D0 ... and line 43 to IF (DISK.GT.0.0D0 ... These are not fixed yet.