Current errata for Gravitational N-Body Simulations (see file errata or for printer's errors) --------------------------------------------------- Preface: Makoto Ito should be Makoto Taiji (Rainer Spurzem). p.30: missing $\Delta t$ in second eq. 2.26 (Shawfeng Dong). pp.110-111: expressions for virial energy should read V = U - 2W to be consistent with the correct definition eq. 1.16 (SJA 10/04). p.77: missing minus in first eq. 5.46, also Zare's paper (SJA 11/04). p.77: first eq. 5.43 read \tilde q_0 instead of \tilde q_N (SJA 3/05). p.224: in eq. 12.16 read t_prev instead of t_block. Moreover, the following text factor should be (t_block - t_prev)/8 (SJA 5/05). p.112: second line after eq. 7.5, omit \tilde over V and T (SJA 7/06). p.57: eqs. 4.35 and 4.36 should be transpose \cal L (Jan Pflamm 8/06). p.83: second summation index should also end at N-1 (Jan Pflamm 8/06). p.68: delete 'new' in 3rd line above eq. (5.3) (K. Tanikawa 11/06). ------------------------------------ Paperback Edition (2009) All items listed above as well as the printer's errors given in the file 'errata' have been corrected in the Paperback. Unfortunately, the new edition contains many mistakes connected with exponentiation. These are in the process of being corrected. September 2010: Paperback edition has now been corrected. p.363: Square root missing in front of [] of eq D.1 (M. Gieles 11/11).