This is P-Gadget, version 3.0. Running on 16 processors. Code was compiled with settings: -DCOOLING -DSFR -DUNEQUALSOFTENINGS -DPEANOHILBERT -DWALLCLOCK -DMYSORT -DAUTO_SWAP_ENDIAN_READIC -DDOUBLEPRECISION -DDOUBLEPRECISION_FFTW -DGENERATIONS=1 -DSOFTEREQS -DMOREPARAMS -DSTELLARAGE -DOUTPUTPOTENTIAL -DRECOMPUTE_POTENTIAL_ON_OUTPUT -DOUTPUTCHANGEOFENTROPY -DNOCALLSOFSYSTEM Size of particle structure 128 [bytes] Size of sph particle structure 160 [bytes] Obtaining parameters from file 'SW_M_hres_sEOS0-01.tex': InitCondFile ics_combined_SW_M_hres_sEOS0-01.dat OutputDir ./ EnergyFile energy_SW_M_hres_sEOS0-01.txt InfoFile info_SW_M_hres_sEOS0-01.txt TimingsFile timings_SW_M_hres_sEOS0-01.txt CpuFile cpu_SW_M_hres_sEOS0-01.txt SnapshotFileBase snap_SW_M_hres_sEOS0-01 RestartFile restart_SW_M_hres_sEOS0-01 TimeLimitCPU 1.728e+06 ResubmitOn 0 ResubmitCommand /home/vspringe/autosubmit ICFormat 1 SnapFormat 1 ComovingIntegrationOn 0 NumFilesPerSnapshot 1 NumFilesWrittenInParallel 2 CoolingOn 1 StarformationOn 1 TimeBegin 0 TimeMax 0.871344 Omega0 0.3 OmegaLambda 0.7 OmegaBaryon 0.05 HubbleParam 0.71 BoxSize 50000 PeriodicBoundariesOn 0 MaxMemSize 1500 MinGasHsmlFractional 1 SofteningGas 0.025 SofteningHalo 0.11 SofteningDisk 0.025 SofteningBulge 0.025 SofteningStars 0.025 SofteningBndry 0.025 SofteningGasMaxPhys 0.025 SofteningHaloMaxPhys 0.11 SofteningDiskMaxPhys 0.025 SofteningBulgeMaxPhys 0.025 SofteningStarsMaxPhys 0.025 SofteningBndryMaxPhys 0.025 OutputListOn 0 OutputListFilename merger_output_final.txt TimeBetSnapshot 0.0145224 TimeOfFirstSnapshot 0 CpuTimeBetRestartFile 7100 TimeBetStatistics 0.5 MaxRMSDisplacementFac 0.2 TypeOfTimestepCriterion 0 ErrTolIntAccuracy 0.02 MaxSizeTimestep 0.00668367 MinSizeTimestep 6.37404e-09 ErrTolTheta 0.5 TypeOfOpeningCriterion 1 ErrTolForceAcc 0.005 TreeDomainUpdateFrequency 0.1 DesNumNgb 64 MaxNumNgbDeviation 5 ArtBulkViscConst 0.75 InitGasTemp 10000 MinGasTemp 10 CourantFac 0.15 PartAllocFactor 5 BufferSize 100 UnitLength_in_cm 3.08568e+21 UnitMass_in_g 1.989e+43 UnitVelocity_in_cm_per_s 100000 GravityConstantInternal 0 CritPhysDensity 0 MaxSfrTimescale 6.09932 CritOverDensity 55.7 TempSupernova 4e+08 TempClouds 1000 FactorSN 0.1 FactorEVP 4000 FactorForSofterEQS 0.01 WindEfficiency 0 WindFreeTravelLength 0 WindEnergyFraction 0 WindFreeTravelDensFac 0 Hubble (internal units) = 0.1 G (internal units) = 43007.1 UnitMass_in_g = 1.989e+43 UnitTime_in_s = 3.08568e+16 UnitVelocity_in_cm_per_s = 100000 UnitDensity_in_cgs = 6.76991e-22 UnitEnergy_in_cgs = 1.989e+53 read ionization table with 170 entries in file `TREECOOL'. A0= 4000 Computed: PhysDensThresh= 0.000829144 (int units) 0.255055 h^2 cm^-3 EXPECTED FRACTION OF COLD GAS AT THRESHOLD = 0.904362