Hungarian amateur double star observations The Hungarian Double Star Section, established in 1992, publishes a column in the monthly journal of the Hungarian Astronomical Association, Meteor. Since 2010 its leader has been Tam s Szklen r. So far 150 amateurs have made 15.000 observations of more than 7500 pairs. Most of these are visual observations. Only the amateur Ern? Berk¢ of Lud nyhal szi measures the doubles regularly: from 2001 with a CCD camera, and since 2007 with a DSLR camera and a 35.5 cm reflector. He measures mostly the neglected pairs of WDS, but in the meantime ? up until February 2011 ? he has also discovered more than 1100 new pairs, which have been catalogued. Sometimes Tam s Lad nyi and Gy”rgy Vask£ti measures double stars, too, of which 2 have been catalogued under Tam s Lad nyi?s name. Since 2002, Ern? Berk¢?s, Tam s Lad nyi?s and Gy”rgy Vask£ti?s articles have been published in the circulars of the Webb Society Double Stars Section, from issue 10 on. These publications contain measurements, as well. Ern? Berk¢?s measurements of binaries have also appeared in the American Journal of Double Star Observations since 2007. Gy”rgy Vask£ti. June 2011