Version history for the SVMono LaTeX2e class date filename version action/reason/acknowledgements ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1.04.01 svmono.cls 2.0 initial release 28.05.01 history.txt introducing this file 28.05.01 svmono.cls 2.1 fixed wrong french \proofname, fixed bad start of TOC (\l@chapter) 22.08.01 svmono.cls 2.2 fixed math indentation when using [fleqn] 22.08.01 svmono.cls 2.3 TOC lines ragged right and without hyphenation 23.08.01 svmono.cls 2.4 introduced own abstract environment 23.08.01 svmono.cls 2.5 \backmatter always starts new recto page 28.08.01 svmono.cls 2.6 saves token space (no more: 0 pt plus 1pt minus 1pt) 19.09.01 svmono.cls 2.7 introduced \processchapstarthook for chapter "motto" and the like 24.09.01 svmono.cls 2.8 hanging chapter or section heading with class option [sechang] 17.12.01 svmono.cls 2.9 removed bug that prevented \listoftables, found by Dr. Karsten Urban, RWTH Aachen, theorem name and its number can be permuted by using \normalthmheadings vs. \reversethmheadings 20.12.01 svmono.cls 2.10 fixed changeable indentation of itemize environment 26.02.02 svmono.cls 2.11 move \set@numbering to \AtEndOfClass to allow for flexible numbering of floats and equations 19.03.02 svmono.cls 2.12 an extra dimen (\spthmsep) is used for the gap between the label of a "SP-Theorem", enhance the "theopargself" environment with a "*" version to get *FULL* control over \spnewtheorems, \subfigures provides for a correct \label that refers to the whole current figure 21.03.02 svmono.cls 2.13 fixed changeable indentation of itemize environment 16.05.02 svmono.cls 3.0 first release of "the global class", enabled usage of so called .clo (class option) files 16.05.02 svmonohd.clo 1.0 initial release of the monohd class option, to revive the "pre global" layout for HD monographs 05.08.02 svmono.cls 3.1 improved handling of class options 08.10.02 svmono.cls 3.2 corrected \vec command for bold vectors, bug reported by Michael Beer, Univ. Freiburg 08.10.02 svmonophys.clo 1.0 initial release of the monophys class option, to foster the diversity of layouts 11.11.02 svmono.cls 3.3 corrected Springer branches on title page 19.11.02 svmono.cls 3.4 new option "vecarrow" to preserve the original \vec command; revived the defective "footinfo" option 23.01.03 svmono.cls 3.5 remove spurious spaces from language section to allow for correctly spaced headings with "babel"; fixed "l@chapter" to honor \addtocmark 14.04.03 svmono.cls 3.6 remove multiple info about language switch caused by [german] option of "babel", bug reported by Rüdiger Wapler, Universität Tübingen 15.04.03 svmono.cls 3.7 corrected French translation of \bibname 23.07.03 svmono.cls 3.8 changed German Index to Sachverzeichnis 23.07.03 svmono.cls 3.9 ordinal numbers of headings made more flexible 20.11.03 svmono.cls 4.0 new problems-solutions environments (counted chapterwise) for usage in extra section(s) or chapters of e.g. textbooks 07.04.04 svmono.cls 4.1 made headlines more flexible using \runheadstyle 16.04.04 svmono.cls 4.2 fixed footinfo option 17.05.04 svmono.cls 4.3 fix for babel option "ngerman", normal dot leaders for TOC entries of type "chapter" 13.10.04 svmono.cls 4.4 fixed footnote layout when using footmisc package 12.11.04 svmono.cls 4.5 corrected french spelling, grâce à Jean-Pierre Francoise, Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Jussieu 07.12.04 svmono.cls 4.6 math material unboldened in \chapstarthook, bug reported by Richard Belshoff, SMSU, Springfield, Missouri 11.02.05 svmono.cls 4.7 new environment "partbacktext" to place text on a part's (otherwise empty) back side 15.03.05 svmono.cls 4.8 fixed \sidecaption; it was broken when used along with hyperref package 20.06.05 svmono.cls 4.9 revive running heads for float pages at chapter ends - experimental 19.07.05 svmono.cls 4.10 trying harder to revive running heads for float pages at chapter ends - still experimental 23.09.05 svmono.cls 4.11 fix for babel option "french" 12.01.06 svmono.cls 4.12 removed Springer branches from titlepage 24.01.06 svmono.cls 4.13 corrected position of pagenumbers in TOC, bug report and patch by Joachim Schrod 11.05.06 svmono.cls 4.14 changed internal structure of TOC entry for \part to prevent bookmark errors with pdftex, bug reported by Bernhard Kleine 03.08.06 svmono.cls 4.15 new command \Preface: \preface with TOC entry, suggested by Deborah Doherty, Springer Norwell 01.09.06 svmono.cls 4.16 allow hyphenation in \chapstarthook 31.10.06 svmono.cls 4.17 fix for various babel dialects in english by Ben Liblit, university of Wisconsin, Madison 29.06.07 svmono.cls 5.4 first release of the SVMono class with new global Springer layout "T1" 18.12.09 svmono.cls 5.5 fixed LaTeX error of undefined "\thesubequation" when using option "nochapnum", error reported by Yoram Burak, Harvard University