* APMCAT gets data from the APM catalogues server. * * This is a standalone program which makes a remote request of the * APM catalogues system based on command line arguments and returns * either a list or a postscript finding chart on standard output. * * Created: 1-February-1995 by T. McGlynn * Goddard Space Flight Center * Universities Space Research Association * Code 668.1 * Modified by Geraint Lewis and Mike Irwin to support APM online catalogues * 1-April-1996 To aquire the software: ftp to ftp.ast.cam.ac.uk; login as anonymous; cd pub/mike; get apmcat.c; get apmcat.notes (for copy of these notes); quit To compile and link: gcc -lsocket -lnsl -o apmcat apmcat.c Solaris gcc -o apmcat apmcat.c Sunos gcc -o apmcat apmcat.c Linux or ditto using "cc" NB. Since solaris 2.6 you need to recompile apmcat.c with cc ......viz.... /opt/SUNWspro/bin/cc -lnsl -lsocket -o apmcat apmcat.c Usage: apmcat ra dec [optional arguments] where the optional arguments are of the form keyword=value. Valid arguments include: survey=poss1 [or ukst survey] box=5 [box size in arcmins] equinox=b1950 [or j2000] numbers=n [numbers on plot ? n/y] ps=image.ps [name of postscript image] list=image.lis [alternatively name of list file] email=null [email address] The above values are the defaults. The default is to return a postscript chart with the name image.ps Please specify either a list or a postscript image. Examples: apmcat "00 40 00.0 11 41 00" survey=poss1 ps=chart.ps apmcat "10 31 21.3 -5 10 23" survey=ukst list=chart.list Notes: If a field is absent from the catalogues you will be returned an appropriate message. **** Current status: see online www postscript plots of available fields **** check out http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/~apmcat **** To do a list create a script with command line arguments as above.