USE_TAU ---------------------------------------------------------------- This is a flag to indicate whether a TAUCAL file will be used in this application. ---------------------------------------------------------------- . CALFILE ---------------------------------------------------------------- This is the name of the TAUCAL file. ---------------------------------------------------------------- . RINGRUN ---------------------------------------------------------------- This is the run number of the structure containing the rings to be fit. ---------------------------------------------------------------- . NAME_CAL ---------------------------------------------------------------- This is the input file with the ring/s to be fitted. It can be either 2-d or 3-d depending on whether you are doing the RVF or the RVT relation. ---------------------------------------------------------------- . NAME_RVF ---------------------------------------------------------------- This is the output file for the RVF. ---------------------------------------------------------------- . NAME_RVT ---------------------------------------------------------------- This is the output file for the RVT. ---------------------------------------------------------------- . RVF ---------------------------------------------------------------- Flag. True if the output file is an RVF and false if it will be an RVT. ---------------------------------------------------------------- . COMP_FAC ---------------------------------------------------------------- This is a factor by which the input data will be compressed. If it = 1 then all the data is used. If it = 2 then only every second row and column is used, e.g. 1/4 of the data. ---------------------------------------------------------------- . WEIGHT ---------------------------------------------------------------- Flag to determine which weighting scheme gets used. (1) Sqrt(n) (2) Equal weights ---------------------------------------------------------------- . TRIVIAL ---------------------------------------------------------------- This parameter is used to test for the convergence of the fit. The fit is judged by how much chi squared has changed over the last fit. TRIVIAL is thus the definition of a trivial change in chi-squared. ---------------------------------------------------------------- . NTRIV ---------------------------------------------------------------- This is the number of trivial changes to chi-squared needed to define the fit as converged. ---------------------------------------------------------------- . RESTRICT ---------------------------------------------------------------- Flag. True if you want to restrict the region of analysis to an annulus of width 2*sigs*sigma centred on the ring. The sigma used is that of the estimate from PRERING. ---------------------------------------------------------------- . SIGS ---------------------------------------------------------------- This is the number of sigma to define the width of the annulus which will be used if the user wishes to restrict the analysis region. ---------------------------------------------------------------- . USE_GRID ---------------------------------------------------------------- This is a flag to indicate whether you want to use a predetermined grid of X,Y coordinates as calculated in MASK and GRID which will automatically take into account the detector distortions. ---------------------------------------------------------------- . NAME_GRID ---------------------------------------------------------------- The name of the output file from GRID. ---------------------------------------------------------------- . TOLCENT ---------------------------------------------------------------- This is a user supplied tolerance for the error in the central pixel determination. If the error is over this tolerance, then the fit is flagged in the output file. ---------------------------------------------------------------- . TOLRAD ---------------------------------------------------------------- This is a user supplied tolerance for the error in the radius determination. If the error is over this tolerance, then the fit is flagged in the output file. ---------------------------------------------------------------- . NRUNS ---------------------------------------------------------------- This is the number of rings for the RVT you want to define. ---------------------------------------------------------------- . NAME_USED ---------------------------------------------------------------- This is the ring file used in PRERING to set the initial guesses for the ring parameters. Note that this is only used to get the array sizes. ---------------------------------------------------------------- . WHICH_RVT ---------------------------------------------------------------- If there are more than one RVT in TAUCAL, then this decides which one to use. ---------------------------------------------------------------- . WHICH_RVF ---------------------------------------------------------------- If there are more than one RVF in TAUCAL, then this decides which one to use. ---------------------------------------------------------------- . WHICH_MASK ---------------------------------------------------------------- If there are more than one MASK in TAUCAL, then this decides which one to use. ---------------------------------------------------------------- . WHICH_GRID ---------------------------------------------------------------- If there are more than one GRID in TAUCAL, then this decides which one to use. ---------------------------------------------------------------- . WHICH_FRAME ---------------------------------------------------------------- If you are doing RVTs from cubes, then define which frame to analyse. ---------------------------------------------------------------- . CIRCLE ---------------------------------------------------------------- This is a flag to constrain the axial ratio of the rings to 1.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------