TTYPE1 = 'No ' / Source Number TTYPE2 = 'RA ' / Right Ascension in radians TTYPE3 = 'DEC ' / Declination in radians TTYPE4 = 'UMAG ' / U band core magnitude (Vega) TTYPE5 = 'GMAG ' / G band core magnitude (Vega) TTYPE6 = 'RMAG ' / R band core magnitude (Vega) TTYPE7 = 'IMAG ' / I band core magnitude (Vega) TTYPE8 = 'UMAGERR ' / U band core magnitude error TTYPE9 = 'GMAGERR ' / G band core magnitude error TTYPE10 = 'RMAGERR ' / R band core magnitude error TTYPE11 = 'IMAGERR ' / I band core magnitude error TTYPE12 = 'UMAGISO ' / U band isophotal magnitude TTYPE13 = 'GMAGISO ' / G band isophotal magnitude TTYPE14 = 'RMAGISO ' / R band isophotal magnitude TTYPE15 = 'IMAGISO ' / I band isophotal magnitude TTYPE16 = 'UMAGTOT ' / U band total magnitude TTYPE17 = 'GMAGTOT ' / G band total magnitude TTYPE18 = 'RMAGTOT ' / R band total magnitude TTYPE19 = 'IMAGTOT ' / I band total magnitude TTYPE20 = 'UCLASS ' / U band stellar classification TTYPE21 = 'GCLASS ' / G band stellar classification TTYPE22 = 'RCLASS ' / R band stellar classification TTYPE23 = 'ICLASS ' / I band stellar classification TTYPE24 = 'UMAGCORE1' / U band mag 1/2 x rcore (Vega) TTYPE25 = 'UMAGCORE2' / U band mag rcore (Vega) TTYPE26 = 'UMAGCORE3' / U band mag sqrt(2) x rcore (Vega) TTYPE27 = 'UMAGCORE4' / U band mag 2 x rcore (Vega) TTYPE28 = 'UMAGCORE5' / U band mag 2 sqrt(2) x rcore (Vega) TTYPE29 = 'GMAGCORE1' / G band mag 1/2 x rcore (Vega) TTYPE30 = 'GMAGCORE2' / G band mag rcore (Vega) TTYPE31 = 'GMAGCORE3' / G band mag sqrt(2) x rcore (Vega) TTYPE32 = 'GMAGCORE4' / G band mag 2 x rcore (Vega) TTYPE33 = 'GMAGCORE5' / G band mag 2 sqrt(2) x rcore (Vega) TTYPE34 = 'RMAGCORE1' / R band mag 1/2 x rcore (Vega) TTYPE35 = 'RMAGCORE2' / R band mag rcore (Vega) TTYPE36 = 'RMAGCORE3' / R band mag sqrt(2) x rcore (Vega) TTYPE37 = 'RMAGCORE4' / R band mag 2 x rcore (Vega) TTYPE38 = 'RMAGCORE5' / R band mag 2 sqrt(2) x rcore (Vega) TTYPE39 = 'IMAGCORE1' / I band mag 1/2 x rcore (Vega) TTYPE40 = 'IMAGCORE2' / I band mag rcore (Vega) TTYPE41 = 'IMAGCORE3' / I band mag sqrt(2) x rcore (Vega) TTYPE42 = 'IMAGCORE4' / I band mag 2 x rcore (Vega) TTYPE43 = 'IMAGCORE5' / I band mag 2 sqrt(2) x rcore (Vega) TTYPE44 = 'UMAGERRCORE1' / U band core1 magnitude error TTYPE45 = 'UMAGERRCORE2' / U band core2 magnitude error TTYPE46 = 'UMAGERRCORE3' / U band core3 magnitude error TTYPE47 = 'UMAGERRCORE4' / U band core4 magnitude error TTYPE48 = 'UMAGERRCORE5' / U band core5 magnitude error TTYPE49 = 'GMAGERRCORE1' / G band core1 magnitude error TTYPE50 = 'GMAGERRCORE2' / G band core2 magnitude error TTYPE51 = 'GMAGERRCORE3' / G band core3 magnitude error TTYPE52 = 'GMAGERRCORE4' / G band core4 magnitude error TTYPE53 = 'GMAGERRCORE5' / G band core5 magnitude error TTYPE54 = 'RMAGERRCORE1' / R band core1 magnitude error TTYPE55 = 'RMAGERRCORE2' / R band core2 magnitude error TTYPE56 = 'RMAGERRCORE3' / R band core3 magnitude error TTYPE57 = 'RMAGERRCORE4' / R band core4 magnitude error TTYPE58 = 'RMAGERRCORE5' / R band core5 magnitude error TTYPE59 = 'IMAGERRCORE1' / I band core1 magnitude error TTYPE60 = 'IMAGERRCORE2' / I band core2 magnitude error TTYPE61 = 'IMAGERRCORE3' / I band core3 magnitude error TTYPE62 = 'IMAGERRCORE4' / I band core4 magnitude error TTYPE63 = 'IMAGERRCORE5' / I band core5 magnitude error TTYPE64 = 'UFWHM ' / FWHM in U band TTYPE65 = 'GFWHM ' / FWHM in G band TTYPE66 = 'RFWHM ' / FWHM in R band TTYPE67 = 'IFWHM ' / FWHM in I band TTYPE68 = 'UPOINTER' / Pointer array to individual U band cat TTYPE69 = 'GPOINTER' / Pointer array to individual G band cat TTYPE70 = 'RPOINTER' / Pointer array to individual R band cat TTYPE71 = 'IPOINTER' / Pointer array to individual I band cat TTYPE72 = 'FIELD ' / Field the catalogue is from TTYPE73 = 'CCDNO ' / Camera detector number